GTU Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Semester 6)
Advanced Microprocessors
June 2014
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) Draw and explain pin diagram of 8086 microprocessor.
7 M
1 (b) Explain following assembler directives with example PROC, OFFSET, PTR, LABEL, EQU, ASSUME, END.
7 M

2 (a) Explain Addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor.
7 M
Answer any two question from Q2 (b) or Q2 (c)
2 (b) Draw and explain Internal Architecture of 8086 microprocessor.
7 M
2 (c) Explain processor control instructions with examples.
7 M

Answer any two question from Q3 (a), (b) or Q3 (c), (d)
3 (a) Give difference between BIU and EU.
7 M
3 (b) Explain clock generator Intel 8284.
7 M
3 (c) Write short notes on segment registers.
7 M
3 (d) Explain following instructions with example. LDS, PUSHF, INS, OUTS, SCAS, INTO, NEG.
7 M

Answer any two question from Q4 (a), (b) or Q4 (c), (d)
4 (a) Explain Flag Registers of 8086 microprocessor.
7 M
4 (b) Explain 8086 Bus Activities During a Read machine cycle.
7 M
4 (c) What is an interrupt? Explain Various types of interrupt.
7 M
4 (d) Write a program to transfer block data from one memory location (01234H-0123DH) to another location (04321H-0432AH).
7 M

Answer any two question from Q5 (a), (b) or Q5 (c), (d)
5 (a) Write a program to store first 100 even numbers in memory location from 0000H-0063H , find the summation of stored numbers and store sum in memory location 00064H.
7 M
5 (b) Explain interfacing of I/O devices to the processor.
7 M
5 (c) What is coprocessors? Give Applications of coprocessor with example.
7 M
5 (d) Write short notes on multiprocessing system.
7 M

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