Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) What are the types of distortion present on a transmission line? Starting from derivation of α and β ,derive the condition for distortionless transmission.
7 M
1 (b) A 75Ω transmission line is terminated in a load of ( 150 + j 225 Ω Design a suitable stub line to match the load to the line. The operting frequency is 500 Mhz. Use Smith chart for solving the problem.
7 M

2 (a) Explain TE , TM and TEM modes in a waveguide. What is meant by the Dominant mode in a rectangular waveguide? Explain why TEM mode can not propagate through a rectangular waveguide.
7 M
2 (b) (1) Explain the terms : Cut off wavelength (λc) , Guide wavelength (λg) and free space wavelength (λo). What is the relationship between them?
7 M
2 (c) Describe the construction and working of Magic Tee.What are its applications? Explain any one application in detail.
7 M

3 (a) Describe the problems associated with conventional tubes at UHF and Microwave?
7 M
3 (b) Explain the construction and working of Magnetron tube. What are its applications?
7 M
3 (c) Explain the construction and working of Two cavity Klystron. What are its applications? What will happen when additional cavities are inserted between the buncher and catcher cavities?
7 M
3 (d) What is Faraday's rotation principle? Explain the working of Faraday's rotation isolator. What are its applications?
7 M

4 (a) Explain the basic principle of Parametric amplifier. Explain degenerate and non degenerate mode. What are its applications?
7 M
4 (b) What is Tunneling effect? Explain the construction and working of Tunnel diode. What are the applications of Tunnel diode?.
7 M
4 (c) Explain the construction and working of IMPATT diode. What are its applications?
7 M
4 (d) Explain Calory meter method of measuring Medium and High microwave power.
7 M

5 (a) What is a Doppler effect? Draw and explain the block diagram of MTI radar.
7 M
5 (b) Write a note on Directional coupler and its applications. Explain the terms Coupling factor and Directivity.
7 M
5 (c) Explain the principle of Radar. Derive the equation of the range of Radar. Discuss the parameters which affect the range of Radar.
7 M
5 (d) Write a note on any one of the following.
(1) Step Recovery Diode and its applications.
(2) λ/4 Line and its applications.
7 M

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